Brain Training

The 1st Official NeurOptimal® Provider In Sitges & Barcelona.


What's LibraCerebro?

LibraCerebro is based on the practice of NeurOptimal® which is a dynamic neurofeedback system that provides real-time feedback to the brain, helping it to learn to function at its peak performance levels. It is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to brain training that is safe and effective for people of all ages, from infants to the elderly.

First released in 2002, the NeurOptimal® apparatus represents a significant advancement in neurofeedback technology. It is FDA-approved for general wellness, and is used by practitioners around the world as a powerful tool that can help people to improve their lives in many ways.

Who Can Benefit From LibraCerebro Brain Training?

Anyone with mental and emotional health conditions,

such as anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, ADHD, OCD, autism etc.

Anyone with cognitive impairments,

such as memory loss, brain fog, and difficulty speaking or understanding.

Anyone with sleep disorders,

such as insomnia and nightmares.

Anyone with neurological conditions,

such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Anyone with addictions and eating disorders,

such as alcoholism and binge eating.

Athletes and business professionals

who want to improve their focus, stress management, decision-making and peak performance.


who want to improve their academic performance.


who wants to improve their overall well-being and quality of life.

– A study published in the journal Autism Research & Treatment found that NeurOptimal® improved social communication and behavior in children with autism.

– A study published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience found that NeurOptimal® improved cognitive function and reduced symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

– A study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research found that NeurOptimal® reduced alcohol cravings and relapse rates in adults with alcoholism.

– A study published in the journal The International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance found that NeurOptimal® improved reaction time and decision-making in soccer players.

How It Works?

The NeurOptimal® system uses a sophisticated algorithm to analyze your EEG (electroencephalogram) data millisecond-by-millisecond in real time. It identifies patterns of brain activity that are associated with unstable functioning, and then provides you with a brief pause in the audio signal whenever these patterns occur. This pause is designed to alert your brain to the fact that it is not functioning in its optimal state.

Your brain is then able to use this feedback to adjust its own activity and improve its functioning. This process is unconscious, so you don’t need to do anything special in order to benefit from it.

Here is an overview of a typical brain training session:

Sensors are placed on the scalp to measure the brain's electrical activity.
The EEG data is transmitted to a computer, which analyzes it for signs of instability.
When the brain moves into a state of instability, the computer briefly interrupts the auditory feedback.
This interruption is perceived by the brain as a signal to self-correct.
Over time, the brain learns to avoid states of instability and function more efficiently and effectively.
This dynamical neuro-training is typically used in a series of sessions, with each session lasting for about 30 minutes. The number of sessions needed will vary depending on the individual's goals and the severity of their challenges.

NeurOptimal® vs Traditional Neurofeedback

NeurOptimal® does not force the brain to do anything.
NeurOptimal® does not force the brain to do anything.
Traditional neurofeedback systems often use rewards or punishments to train the brain to shift its activity patterns, which can result in side effects. NeurOptimal®, on the other hand, simply provides the brain with feedback about its current activity. This allows the brain to learn and adjust its own patterns in a safe and natural way.
NeurOptimal® is self-regulating,
NeurOptimal® is self-regulating,
where the traditional approach typically requires a clinician to select and monitor specific brainwave frequencies during training.
NeurOptimal® is easy to use and requires no effort on your part.
NeurOptimal® is easy to use and requires no effort on your part.
You can simply relax and listen to music while the system provides feedback to the brain. Traditional systems often require you to focus on a specific task or mental state when running sessions.
Download Additional Info:

  • 1 Session x 33 Minutes
  • €50 Per Session
  • 10 Sessions x 33 Minutes
  • €45 Per Session
  • 20 Sessions x 33 Minutes
  • €40 Per Session

Begin Feeling Better With LibraCerebro


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